LSD- spirituality, conteplation and ideas on: modulations, unique changes and effects, metaphors of sound and movement, abstract concepts and general understanding. Auditory Hallucinations, Effects, and Fantasies of high quality. Bi-Yearly or Less: Long-term side effects.
Pot- understanding subtility, appreciation of nuances of music and tone color. Auditory Fantasies, (Occasionally) Auditory Effects. No restrictions except smoking harms lungs.
Opium- Fantasy, Romantacism, Passion, general appreciation, spirituality. Auditory Fantasies. Addictive. Addictions destroy musical capabilities. High doses destroy musical capabilities. Smoking is Harmful to lungs. Poisonous.
Alcohol- Contemplation of slow forms and movements and brute emotions. Auditory Effects. Addictive. High doses destroy musical capabilities. Poisonous.
N2O- Contemplation on Rhythm. Strong Auditory Effects, Hallucinations, and some Fantasy. Irresponsible use can cause asphyxiation and frostbite. Chronic use can cause vitamin B depletion. Not to be used daily for any long stretch of time: long term side-effects.
DXM/DXO- empathy, sympathy, simplicity, nuance, spirituality. Inspiration and eagerness.. Use monthly or less: long term side-effects. Posionous in very high doses.
Ketamine- creativity, understanding of nuance, practicality, spirituality, eagerness, and inspiration. Abstract concepts. Use monthly or less: long term side-effects. Posionous in high doses.
Salvia- Spirituality, Abstract concepts. Auditory hallucinations, fantasies, and effects all of stunning quality. Restrictions on use unknown. Smoking is harmful to lungs.
This report is written as novelty and for the sake of wierd knowledge. Sobriety, study, meditation, physical and mental health, practice, and eagerness are always the best tools for writing widely enriching or appealing music.
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